Riding the Menorquin Horse

Riding the Menorquin Horse

Meet the Beautiful Black Horses of Menorca! Travel with me to a beautiful Spanish Island, where we visit a local Finca, a horse theatre, and even ride to the ocean! You will be amazed to learn about the unique festivals that feature this beautiful horse breed!

Quest Horse

Name: Xarol Negre GSM
Breed Origin:
Menorca, Spain
Asociación de Caballos de Raza Menorquina
Owned By: Son Martorellet

Special Thanks to:

✨Special Thanks: Asociación de Caballos de Raza Menorquina (Breeders and Owners Association of Menorca Horses), Katerina Pu, Son Vives Menorca, Joan Coll Fullana, Son Martorellet, Daniela Sabin & Son Felip.

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